Doppler scan
February 09, 2011
Semalam aku ada cite tentang doppler scan kan??
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What is a Doppler scan?
A Doppler is a type of ultrasound scan designed to measure blood flow in different parts of your baby's body, such as the umbilical cord, brain, liver and heart.
The measurements are used to assess your baby's health.
A Doppler scan can be performed at the same time as a normal ultrasound, and uses the same equipment. Most modern ultrasounds have a Doppler function.
First, your doctor locates a specific blood vessel that she wants to check, such as in the umbilical cord, and then she switches on the Doppler function.
Images on the screen show how the blood is flowing, which the machine then analyses. This takes just a few minutes during your ultrasound scan.
Doppler sonography is most often used for screening women with high-risk pregnancies, including those carrying twins sharing a placenta (Devoe 2008) or babies affected by rhesus antibodies (Scheier et al 2004), or babies who aren't growing at the rate that they should be (RCOG 2002: 7-8). For example, if your baby is identified as being small for dates, a Doppler scan can be used to see if your placenta is working normally, by tracing the blood flow between the placenta and your baby through the umbilical cord. Your baby is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord, which has two arteries and a vein.
Blood from the placenta carries essential nutrients and oxygen to your baby and takes waste products back through the umbilical cord. There should be low resistance in the walls of your umbilical arteries to allow as much blood through as possible. If the resistance is high, blood can't get through very easily and your baby may not get enough food and oxygen, so she cannot grow as well as she should.
A small baby who is found to have normal umbilical arteries by a Doppler scan is most probably getting all the nutrients she needs. If the Doppler scan shows that the resistance in the arteries is too high and there are other signs that your baby is not growing, she may need to be delivered early (RCOG 2002: 7-8).
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Semalam aku ada cite tentang doppler scan kan??
ni aku search skit info tentang DOPPLER SCAN..
Jom Layan...........
What is a Doppler scan?
A Doppler is a type of ultrasound scan designed to measure blood flow in different parts of your baby's body, such as the umbilical cord, brain, liver and heart.
The measurements are used to assess your baby's health.
A Doppler scan can be performed at the same time as a normal ultrasound, and uses the same equipment. Most modern ultrasounds have a Doppler function.
First, your doctor locates a specific blood vessel that she wants to check, such as in the umbilical cord, and then she switches on the Doppler function.
Images on the screen show how the blood is flowing, which the machine then analyses. This takes just a few minutes during your ultrasound scan.
Doppler sonography is most often used for screening women with high-risk pregnancies, including those carrying twins sharing a placenta (Devoe 2008) or babies affected by rhesus antibodies (Scheier et al 2004), or babies who aren't growing at the rate that they should be (RCOG 2002: 7-8). For example, if your baby is identified as being small for dates, a Doppler scan can be used to see if your placenta is working normally, by tracing the blood flow between the placenta and your baby through the umbilical cord. Your baby is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord, which has two arteries and a vein.
Blood from the placenta carries essential nutrients and oxygen to your baby and takes waste products back through the umbilical cord. There should be low resistance in the walls of your umbilical arteries to allow as much blood through as possible. If the resistance is high, blood can't get through very easily and your baby may not get enough food and oxygen, so she cannot grow as well as she should.
A small baby who is found to have normal umbilical arteries by a Doppler scan is most probably getting all the nutrients she needs. If the Doppler scan shows that the resistance in the arteries is too high and there are other signs that your baby is not growing, she may need to be delivered early (RCOG 2002: 7-8).
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