Another award for me... and offcoz to share with others..

Thank and link the person who gave you the award.. post the above award in your entry too..
Millions Thanx to eb, Mamaaerish and Lily Mummy Qistina
Millions Thanx to eb, Mamaaerish and Lily Mummy Qistina
List the date of birth of your first child and your following children.. add also their names..

DOB: 11-05-2009
Name: Nur Fatin Adlina bt Mohd Fahmi
Upload a picture of you with your children

For those mommy to be.. your pregnant picture will do..
Pass the award to all mommy bloggers you know! Let them know k
To: ZH-Ena, Imah, Anis, Mommie Twin, Dyla, Yayan, Normi, Huda, Ease Basri, Lily, Mamalieyna, Ena, Ezan, @lyci@, Butterfly, all mommies!! Please accept this ya!
Mokaceh yo.... teman jawab
rindunya anak masa baby, wangiii
ease basri,
heheh.. p tepek kat blog ek!
ye.. same lah ngn sy.. bila tengok muka fatin mase new born tu.. teringat balik bau die yg aduh.. x tau nk kate lah! utk yg dh jd mummy je lah ye hehheheheh
eheheh.. ye cik zella.. nanti sy carik tuk yg belum kawin lg ek!
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