::Beautiful Blogger Award::
Dapat award ni dr best blogger frenz ku.. ezan . Gembira je rasa hati bila dapat award2 ni, dan terasa juga diri ini di hargai.. huhuhu.. cedih lah pulok! sedih2 gembira namanye ni..

1- Thank & link the person that gave you the award. Dah buat..
2- Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3- Contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award.
4- State 7 thing about yourself.
1- I am a women
2- I am a wife
3- I am a mother
4- I am a worker
5- I have a very best blog
6- I have many bloggers frenz
7- I am a simple person with a simple life
I dont want to keep this award alone, n wanna share this beutie award to a very fantastic bloggers.. here it is, hope u'll like it :-
1- Imah aka Anak-anakku
2- Zura
3- Nafiraa
4- Idah
5- Rose
6- Gooseberries
7- Wansteady
8- kak intan
9- dbalkis
10- Zella
11- Barine
12- anis
13- K.rina
14- zaza
15- Fatin
wah tq2.. terharu neh.. haha
nanti saya link lak kat awak ekk..hehe =)
iye suzie..thanx ye...:-)nnti kita blog out
thanx chugie! ^.^
Thanks dear..hehe..tak sangke baik ati cik chugie..
waallaaa.... sgt teruja terima award ni dik... terima kasih kerana memilih akak....
tq tq.. terasa diri ni sgtlah beautiful lepas dp award ni!!
Toche toche chugie!
Terasa mcm nak bg ucapan laks bila terima hadiah nie..he he :D
thanks chugie....
terasa diriku begitu beharga...
aku tak letak lg
ena- aku x kasi ko, sbb ezan dh bg ko dulu.. so kire same lah tu kan.. nnti letak tau!
kawan2 ku sekalian.. anada sangat best, sebab tu aku bagi award ni pada kalian... sudi2 letak d blog ye..
thanks chugie....terharu..itu bermakna aku adalah antara sahabat2 yg ko ingat...auuuww...!!
anis- heheh.. aku plak jd terharu gak! eh, of coz ler aku still igt sahabat lama..
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